Main Article Content
Key aspects of developing effective systems for the external reinforcement of building structures, made of composite polymer materials containing carbon fibers and no-bake polymer binders, ensuring shape formation in the temperature range of 15 - 40 °С no more than 24 hours, characterized by operability in the temperature range from minus 45 ° C to plus 60 ° C.. PCM-based SVA has a number of advantages compared to clips and metal profiles traditionally used for repairing building structures: the load-bearing capacity of the rods increases, the cost of the strengthening of load-bearing structures is reduced, and the seismic resistance of engineering structures is increased. In relation to composite SVA building structures, the following types of construction chemicals are used: primer, putty, adhesive, protective coating. The production of unidirectional tapes was carried out on a Dornier double rapier loom, modernized for processing carbon fibers. The results of experimental studies of the developed polymer binders and carbon reinforcing fillers are presented. It is shown that the developed materials can be successfully used to strengthen and repair engineering structures. The technological features of strengthening and repairing building structures with composite external reinforcement systems using the contact molding method and ready-made lamellas are described. Installation of composite clamps on vertical surfaces is carried out by fixing the canvas in the extreme position, followed by laying, smoothing and rolling along its length. Rolling is done from the middle to the edges. Before gluing the blanks, the lamellas are laid out on a work table (workbench) and thoroughly wiped with a rag moistened with acetone. Results of the large-scale implementation of these new materials and technologies in the construction industry are presented.
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