Peer Review
Topics of papers accepted for publication in the International scientific journal "International Journal for Computational Civil and Structural Engineering" (IJCCSE) covers the whole range of computer methods in the areas of structural engineering, civil engineering materials and problems concerned with multiple physical processes interacting at multiple spatial and temporal scales. Advisory editorial board of the Journal includes well-known reputable scientists and specialists. The main criterion for the selection of papers for publication in the Journal is their high scientific level, compliance with which is determined in the course of miultilevel reviewing of incoming materials to the editors.
Peer-reviewing is provided by the journal. All research articles are peer-reviewed by outside referees. Peer-review model is double-blind, that means the author and the referee do not know each other.
All reviewing process is provided via e-edition system. An anonymic discussion with a reviewer is possible in comments to the article.
In case of irrelevant subject or manuscript type it can be rejected by the editor without using the external review.