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Currently, the improvement of methods for calculating building structures is continuing, including, among other things, methods for determining the magnitude of the load. Despite the fact that for most impacts, the principles of determining loads and methods from the application have been formed for a long time, a number of special tasks are sometimes encountered in design practice, for example, the impact of tsunami waves on a structure. This article is devoted to modeling the wave roll on a structure in the "Fluid Flow (Fluent)" module of the ANSYS 2021 software package and comparing the results obtained with the methodology presented in SP 292.1325800.2017 "Buildings and structures in tsunami-prone areas. Design rules". The studies presented in this article have shown that the nature of the propagation of hydrodynamic pressure when modeling wave rolling in ANSYS is similar to that presented in SP 292.1325800.2017: according to a triangular plot with maximum pressure at the bottom. But at the same time, the value of the maximum pressure on the joint venture is about 1.5 times greater than according to the calculation in ANSYS, which is explained by many different factors. But, despite this, modeling of the tsunami waves rolling on the construction site can be performed at the pre-project stage in order to assess the nature of the pressure distribution over the surface of the object, which will allow choosing the most suitable structural and space-planning solutions.
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