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Vladimir Kolchunov
Aleksey Demyanov
Николай Наумов


It is proposed a complex resistance computational model of reinforced concrete constructions in build­ings and structures under the action torsion with bending. It consists of from the block near the support (formed by a spatial crack and a compressed concrete zone closed by it - a spatial section k) and a second block, which is formed by a vertical cross section I-I passing perpendicularly to the longitudinal axis of the reinforced concrete element along the edge of the compressed zone, which closes the spatial spiral-shaped crack. The case when the greatest influence on the stress-strain state of structures has the effect of torque is considered (case 2). In this case, as the calculated forces are taken into account in the spatial section: normal and tangential forces in the concrete of the compressed zone; components of axial and “dowel” efforts in the working reinforcement, inter­sected by a spiral spatial crack. The resolving equations are constructed that form a closed system and the La­grange function is unified. Using the partial derivatives of the constructed function with respect to all the varia­bles entering into it and equating them to zero, an additional system of equations is constructed. The dependence is obtained after the corresponding algebraic transformations, that allows us to search for the projection of a dan­gerous spatial crack.


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How to Cite
Kolchunov, V., Demyanov, A., & Наумов, Н. (2019). THE SECOND STAGE OF STRESSED-DEFORMED CONDITION OF REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURES WHEN TURNING WITH BENDING (CASE 2). International Journal for Computational Civil and Structural Engineering, 15(4), 66-82.
Author Biographies

Vladimir Kolchunov, South-Western State University, Kursk, RUSSIA

Doctor of technical Sciences, Professor, Professor, Department of unique building and structures

Aleksey Demyanov, South-Western State University, Kursk, RUSSIA

Candidate in Tech. Sc., Docent, Ass. Professor, Department of unique building and structures


Николай Наумов, South-Western State University, Kursk, RUSSIA

Postgraduate student, Department of unique building and structures


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