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Izmail Kantarzhi
Aleksandr Gogin


The paper is dedicated to numerical modeling of interaction of sea wind waves with port protective structures. A classification of existing numerical wave models is presented depending on their accuracy and demands on computing power. The main studied effect of the interaction of waves with port protective structures is diffraction of waves in protected water area. In this paper is studied a test case with conservative wave diffraction – two converging breakwaters on a flat bottom with varying of entrance width and approaching waves period. The test case was physically modeled in a wave basin, as well as numerically modeled using the Boussinesq wave model implemented in the MIKE 21 software. As part of setting up the numerical model, the most correct way to model protective structures on the numerical model is proposed and justified – with rejection of wall enclosing sponge layers from entrance section side and with gradual decrease of sponge coefficients towards entrance section. Satisfactory agreement was obtained with a spread of values 10-15% as a result of results comparing of numerical and physical modeling. This made it possible to conclude that the proposed method for protective structures modeling allows to correctly calculate diffraction of waves in protected water area, and the wave model used can be considered verified by results of physical experiments.


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How to Cite
Kantarzhi, I., & Gogin, A. (2023). INTERACTION OF SEA GRAVITY WAVES WITH PORT PROTECTION STRUCTURES IN NUMERICAL MODELS. International Journal for Computational Civil and Structural Engineering, 19(1), 55-68.
Author Biography

Izmail Kantarzhi, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Moscow, RUSSIA

Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences; Professor of Department of Hydraulics and Hydraulic Engineering, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering 


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