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Stepan Leontev
Andrey Taleyko


At the moment in house-building industry cases of increase of efficiency of cast-in-situ concrete structures electrical curing are insufficiently studied. Development and implementation of control systems of parameters of electrical curing can be solve of current concerns. Development sequence of this control system included: collection of initial data; development of virtual model of considered structures, using ELCUT; analysis of rate of simulation parameters, depend on ambient conditions; fixation of values of simulation parameters; development of mathematical model of correlation between transformer voltage and temperatures of concrete, ambient air and time of electrical curing; development and description of circuit diagram of proposed control system.

The control system, developed by the authors, can be the basis for creation of automated complex of electrical curing of cast-in-situ reinforced concrete structures. Application of this system will significantly allow to decrease electricity consumption and labor costs, connected with electrical curing of structures.


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Leontev, S., & Taleyko, A. (2023). CONTROL SYSTEM OF PARAMETERS OF ELECTRICAL CURING OF CAST-IN-SITU REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURES. International Journal for Computational Civil and Structural Engineering, 19(1), 85-96.


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