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Nadezhda Nikiforova
Artem Konnov


Currently, permafrost is degrading due to global warming. The destructive impact of cryogenic processes on buildings and structures in the permafrost zone is increasing. The purpose of this study was to
predict the decrease in the bearing capacity of pile foundations of existing buildings and the resulting deformations of the permafrost soils due to climate change. Numerical studies of the bearing capacity of pile foundations and deformations of the base of a building erected in the 1980s in Norilsk according to the first principle of construction on permafrost soils were carried out. Modeling showed a decrease in the bearing capacity of the piles of the building up to 50% over 60 years (mesured since 2000). The period after which the
building will come into an emergency condition is determined. Article provides an assessment of the effectiveness of the use of seasonally operating cooling devices to ensure its operational reliability.


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How to Cite
Nikiforova, N., & Konnov , A. (2022). PREDICTION OF DEFORMATIONS OF THE BASE AND REDUCTION OF THE BEARING CAPACITY OF PILE FOUNDATIONS IN THE CRYOLITHOZONE. International Journal for Computational Civil and Structural Engineering, 18(1), 141-150.


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