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Maxim Marinichev
Nadezhda Nikitina
Anatoly Polishchuk


The study considers the methods (separate stages) of designing pile foundations made of driven reinforced concrete piles on macroporous subsidence soils of the second type of subsidence using multi-storey buildings as an example. The paper provides a brief description of the buildings under consideration, analyzes the soil conditions of construction, including data on physical, deformation, strength, subsidence characteristics of soils and methods of their determination. Using the calculation, it establishes the type of soil conditions in terms of subsidence, describes the method of selecting the type of piles and their length in macroporous subsidence soils. The data of experimental studies of bearing capacity of driven piles in macroporous subsidence soils, justification of the method of numerical studies of pile performance and theoretical evaluation of their bearing capacity are given.


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Marinichev, M., Nikitina, N., & Polishchuk, A. (2024). DEVELOPMENT OF METHODS FOR DESIGNING PILE FOUNDATIONS FOR MULTI-STOREY CIVIL BUILDINGS CONSTRUCTED ON MACROPOROUS SUBSIDENCE SOILS. International Journal for Computational Civil and Structural Engineering, 20(3), 206-217.


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