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Vladimir Travush
Denis Konin
Alexey . Krylov
Mikhail Desyatkin
Andrey Ivaschenko


The features of the behavior of steel-plate composite walls for static short-term loads are considered. Based on the analysis of modern technical and regulatory documentation, the rationale for the chosen research topic is given. A review of the literature is performed, and the features of development are noted. Description and features of the experimental structures are presented. Analytical and numerical calculations of structures for central compression have been performed. A description of the calculation complex is presented; a description of numerical models, features of their construction and calculation are given. Calculation results are presented – features of changes in structural rigidity during load application. The general types of experimental models tested for central compression are presented, and the destruction pattern is shown. The analysis of the experimental data obtained and their comparison with analytical and numerical calculations are performed. An assessment of the features of modeling steel-plate composite structures in software complexes is given.


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Travush, V., Konin, D., . Krylov, A., Desyatkin, M. ., & Ivaschenko, A. (2024). THE STIFFNESS OF STEEL-PLATE COMPOSITE STRUCTURES FOR SHORT-TERM LOADS. International Journal for Computational Civil and Structural Engineering, 20(4), 105-118.


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