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Mikhail Petrov
Alexander Kibets
Boris Mikhailov
Ekaterina Gonik
Viktor Ivanov


 Experimental studies were carried out to study the effect of bulk filler on the stability of shells during torsion. In the domestic and foreign literature, we have not found publications where the stability of thin-walled shells filled with bulk material under torsion would be considered. To carry out experiments, a special installation has been developed and manufactured that allows testing samples for torsion, bending and complex loading, loading the samples accordingly. Before the tests, samples were taken for the absence of defects in the form of dents, ovality, diversity, constancy of cross-sectional dimensions. It is known that defects in samples significantly affect stability. The samples were tested with a length of 140 mm, 90 mm, 25 mm. The samples were made by deep drawing from a high-plastic aluminum alloy 3004 in the H19 state. In this case, one end of the samples was rigidly fixed to the installation, a torque was applied to the other end, which increased until the samples lost stability. At the beginning and at the end of the test, the samples were loaded in small portions to catch the beginning of movement and the beginning of loss of stability. The installation made it possible to create various boundary conditions of the samples. In experiments, the torque and the twist angle were measured. Linear dependences of the twisting angle on the torque are constructed. So, stability was lost in elasticity. For samples filled with bulk filler, at the beginning of the twisting process, there was a nonlinear relationship between the torque and the twisting angle. This is due to the occurrence of friction forces between the filler and the inner wall of the samples, which created a counteracting torque. Then the graphs for the empty and filled samples were enlarged parallel to each other. For empty samples [1], critical stresses, critical twisting angles, the number of waves formed, and their direction were calculated. The convergence of the calculated and experimental parameters within 36% is obtained. The bulk filler, in the form of iron powder, increased the value of the critical torque to 17%.


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Petrov, M., Kibets, A., Mikhailov, B., Gonik, E., & Ivanov, V. (2023). EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES OF THE STABILITY OF THIN-WALLED CYLINDRICAL SHELLS OF MEDIUM LENGTH FILLED WITH BULK MATERIAL UNDER TORSION. International Journal for Computational Civil and Structural Engineering, 19(3), 49-57. https://doi.org/10.22337/2587-9618-2023-19-3-49-57


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