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Vladimir Kolchunov
Sergei Fedorov


High-strength concrete structures become more and more widespread in construction practice due to certain advantages. At the same time the current Russian and foreign standards for the design of reinforced high-strength concrete structures are not rigorous enough, since it is based on the conceptual provisions for reinforced concrete structures made of ordinary concrete. The article analyzes the basic provisions for calculation of high-strength concrete structures for serviceability limit state and compares it with the available experimental data. The study points out not only significant quantitative discrepancies in design and experimental values of stiffness and crack resistance parameters of such structures, but also indicate inadequacy of physical phenomena laid in the basic design provisions adopted in the current Russian and foreign standards by analogy with the physical nature of deformation of reinforced concrete structures made of ordinary concrete. The paper proposes to adjust the deformation model for calculating the parameters of serviceability limit state for high-strength concrete structures based on the results of experimental investigations. 


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Kolchunov, V., & Fedorov, S. (2024). SERVICEABILITY LIMIT STATE PARAMETERS FOR HIGH STRENGTH CONCRETE STRUCTURES. International Journal for Computational Civil and Structural Engineering, 20(3), 145-158.


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