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Nelly Rogacheva
Vladimir Sidorov
Yulia Zheglova


The work is devoted to the mathematical analysis of the error of the theory of strain sensors. In the theory of deformation sensors, it is assumed that  the sensor, due to its geometric and mechanical characteristics, does not make changes (or makes minor changes) to the stress-strain state (SSS) of the tested structure. To numerically estimate the sensor error, an exact solution of the dynamic contact problem of the sensor and the elastic half-space is obtained. For the analytical solution of the problem, the method used by Lamb to determine the dynamic stress-strain state of an elastic half-space under the action of concentrated forces applied to its surface is generalized. A numerical solution of this problem has been performed for sensors and elastic half-space made of various materials. Practical recommendations are formulated. A numerical solution of this problem has been performed.


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How to Cite
Rogacheva, N., Sidorov, V., & Zheglova, Y. (2024). TO THE MATHEMATICAL ESTIMATION OF THE STRAIN SENSORS ERROR. International Journal for Computational Civil and Structural Engineering, 20(4), 186-196.


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