Main Article Content
: The load-bearing capacity of the structure can be accurately determined on large models made from the same material (or a material with similar elastic properties) as the actual structure. The scale of the model can be 1/5-1/6. This depends not only on the actual dimensions of the structure but also on the material of the model. Experience shows that for metal and concrete models, it is reasonable to adopt a scale of 1/5-1/15. Previous studies show that analysis based on the calculation of an idealized multi-story steel frame structure without considering imperfections does not fully reflect the actual performance of the steel frame and may not always ensure the load-bearing capacity of the building and the operational requirements for permissible frame displacements. It is interesting to compare some approximate data on the cost of testing in kind with the cost of testing the model. Thus, full-scale tests of large-panel buildings erected on subsidence soils ac-count for 10 to 30% of the cost of the buildings themselves. The cost of such tests on models would be 2-3%, that is, 5-10 times cheaper. The provided data indicates the feasibility of using modeling in the design of structures. The research results can be used to refine and develop building codes and standards, enabling the calculation and design of multi-story buildings that account for the actual performance of the steel frame-work.
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