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The article explores the analytical challenges and potential applications of diagnostic equipment and tools for cost-effective restoration of aging pressure pipeline systems at minimum costs for water transportation. The study focuses on a section of a water supply network made of steel pipes that requires repair and restoration due to corrosion damage and wall thinning. The paper presents an analysis of effective non-destructive pipeline diagnostic methods, details the design and technical specifications of the domestic diagnostic system HeatScan. Provided are sample magnetograms that indicate defect zones and the absolute residual wall thickness at the defect locations. The benefits of the HeatScan system over the Inspector Systems flaw detector are also shown. To identify the most cost-effective pipeline repair method, three alternative technologies for inserting polymer pipes into the existing pipeline are considered, along with a calculation of the energy consumption for water transportation. It is noted that the most cost-efficient repair method could be the Swagelining technology, which involves pre-compressing the polymer pipe with the subsequent straightening. Information on the return-on-investment period for the diagnostic system when used in pipeline restoration projects is provided.
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