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Steel structures are commonly utilized in vast areas in industries, and also now a days they are used in residential settings as well. Structures made of steel is a better alternative as their constructions have high strength, light weight and quick compared to other construction materials. Steel structure degradation is frequently related to an engineering system's underperformance and leads to collapse. Therefore, it is essential to identify the problem and take remedial steps to make sure that structures function as intended throughout their design lives. Among the best non-destructive assessment methods for finding problems is acoustic emission (AE). The current study evaluates the available literature on this method in a few major areas and discusses historical advances in each category. The pros and cons of each approach are discussed, and future study directions are suggested. This review examines the fundamental Acoustic Emission techniques and contemporary research to identify damage in different types of steel structures using various localization approaches. This research aims to find the ideal placement for a real-time sensor to detect deterioration in a steel-framed construction. Finally, the artificial intelligence techniques used to identify deterioration in the steel frame construction are discussed.
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