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Andaman and Nicobar Islands is one of the most earthquake experienced areas around the world subjected to frequent earthquakes which is being the area of study using rapid visual screening (RVS) method by google maps and field visit as well. Although the google maps and internet sources can be used to cover up 80 percent data required for assessing and quantifying the RVS score but a field visit was made for extracting more relevant data for a detailed study. Port Blair municipal area was narrowed down for the screening since it had the greatest number of buildings. It was found that the moment resisting frames have been used in most of the buildings. RC moment resisting frames, load bearing structures, steel structures and wooden structures were studied in the screening and score was awarded. Gleaned from the score it was derived that old buildings are more susceptible for higher damage in near future then the recently constructed building.
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The Rapid visual screening tool could be used for the initial screening of buildings through google maps where the plan irregularity in plan can be find out and further study can be done if the full-scale picture is available through internet sources of all the buildings of the selected area.
All though the Port Blair city has shown a steady growth in their infrastructure development and doesn’t show much negative values while screening but the construction practice adopted in the Islands doesn’t meet the regulations of IS13920:2016 of ductile design.
The old buildings which were observed were 50 years old in average which showed significant damage in the crucial areas such as beam column joint.
As the city is of national importance, more detailed visual screening and deep inspection is needed for the buildings which showed the sign of vulnerability during the present study
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