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Before submitting the paper the authors should have a look at all the materials on the site pages: general information, aims and scope, editorial policy, review process, etc. The Editorial Office supposes that by submitting the paper the authors confirms their awareness of all the basic rules of publication process organization, awareness, that they are obligatory for all the participants, they agree with these rules and stick to them in their articles. All the essential violations from these rules and instructions posted on this page may be the reason for rejecting the article.

By submitting an article for consideration, the author agrees to the terms of the License Agreement (public offer) for the publication of materials and guarantees, for his part, compliance with the rules of publication ethics declared by the publication. The author is aware that an article published in violation of ethical rules is subject to retraction. The License Agreement (public offer) is concluded between the Publisher and the author / authors orally on the terms specified in the License Agreement (public offer), and is legally binding without being signed by both parties.

Papers are welcome for publication in the Journal on the non-stop basis. The process of the manuscript consideration, i.e., its acceptance, review and editorial processing can take a substantial period of time. The Editorial Board would kindly request that the authors prepare their manuscripts as diligently as possible to reduce the period of time required for their consideration and processing. Any papers that fail to meet the requirements pre-set by the Editorial Board, cannot be considered for publication, reviewed or returned to their authors. Neither hard, nor soft copies of manuscripts can be returned to their authors. The Editorial Office never initiates any negotiations with authors.

All material should be submitted in electronic and printed forms.

Requirements for submission of materials to the Editorial Office of International scientific journal "International Journal for Computational Civil and Structural Engineering" (IJCCSE)

  1. Each paper must be typed on snow white paper sheets of A4 (210x297mm) size only on one side in boxes. The abstract must be typed in 16 cm width box. The text of paper in the first page must be written in two columns 8.25 cm in width. All next pages must also have two columns 8.25 cm in width. Each page should have margins: 32 mm top, 32 mm bottom and 20 mm right and left. The paper should be typed using 12 point size Times New Roman type-face, or very similar, using single spacing between text lines applying word processor and printed on laser printer. It can be here pointed such editors as Word for Windows (preferable), Word Perfect. The appearance of manuscript of paper should be similar as far as possible to this sample. 
  2. The material of the paper should be arranged as follows: Title (16 points), Author(s) (14 point), Affiliation(s), Abstract, key words, Introduction, Main body of paper,  Acknowledgements (if any), References (if any, 10 points), Appendices (if any), full authors addresses as endnote (10 points, spacing within endnote=1, style for numbering=numbers, line separating text and endnotes=line – margin to margin in right column). Template
  3. The title, author’s name(s) and affiliation(s) should be centered. The headings should be bold and aligned to left. Firstorder headings and parts of the text should be separated by one free line from the text. Secondorder headings should have capital first letters.
  4. The both columns of each page, including closing page, should be of equal length. At the bottom of the last right column of last page is endnote with author’s address(es).
  5. The figures can be embedded in word processor or must be drawn in black ink. Drawings can be produced directly on manuscript sheet or may be produced on separate piece of white paper and then stuck at the appropriate position. Photographs must be glossy black and white prints and stuck at the appropriate position. This also applies to other items such as tables. The best – drawings, photographs and tables should be typed by word processor. All symbols including equations should be typed.
  6. However, sometimes embedding figure files in Microsoft Word is not acceptable for final output, because of the loss of resolution. Acceptable formats for figures are JPEG, TIFF or EPS files saved from original application at 300-600 dpi.
  7. The Figures, line drawings, photographs, tables may be positioned either within the one column, or large centered exactly across the full width of the page. The equations should be numbered at the right side of the column. The references should be given at the end of the paper. The Figures, Tables and Equations should be separated from the text by minimum one single free line
  8. The manuscript is expected to be written in correct and easily readable English. An author who is not proficient in English is advised to take help of linguist before typing. It should be thoroughly checked for spelling mistakes.
  9. Authors in all countries, at their opinion, should send three (3) copies of their manuscript to Editors-in-Chief professor Vladimir N. Sidorov or Technical editor associate professor Taymuraz B. Kaytukov. Electronic submissions are encouraged. Email a PDF or DOC (Microsoft Word) file with manuscript to the Editor-in-Chief or technical editor. The Editor-in-Chief will seek reviews of the paper from experts and will assure rapid turnaround within six months of submission. Each manuscript will receive at least 2 reviews. In deciding on acceptance of the paper, experts will examine originality, quality of contents, neatness of presentation and readability of the submitted text. The Editor-in-Chief will correspond with the author in the light of these reviews. Submission implies that the author will be willing to make any necessary revisions. Retain all original figures until conclusion of the review process.
  10. Enquires regarding International Journal for Computational Civil and Structural Engineering and manuscripts should be addressed to the Editor-in-Chief (Professor Vladimir N. Sidorov, Research & Educational Center of Computational Simulation, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering; 26, Yaroslavskoe Shosse, 129337 Moscow, Russia; e-mail: sidorov.vladimir@gmail.com) and Technical Editor (Research & Educational Center of Computational Simulation, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering; 26, Yaroslavskoe Shosse, 129337 Moscow, Russia; e-mail: noccm@mgsu.ru).

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The manuscripts are accepted if has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
  • The materials should be prepared in a format, Microsoft Word.
  • Internet links are provided as a complete URL.
  • Text should follow the stylistic and bibliography requirements as stated in Regulations located in the Part "About Us."
  • Please, remove the authors' names from the title of the article and other parts of the document to ensure the anonymity of reviewing. Ensuring a Blind Peer Review.
  • Each paper must be typed on snow white paper sheets of A4 (210x297mm) size only on one side in boxes. The abstract must be typed in 16 cm width box. The text of paper in the first page must be written in two columns 8.25 cm in width. All next pages must also have two columns 8.25 cm in width. Each page should have margins: 32 mm top, 32 mm bottom and 20 mm right and left. The paper should be typed using 12 point size Times New Roman type-face, or very similar, using single spacing between text lines applying word processor and printed on laser printer. It can be here pointed such editors as Word for Windows (preferable), Word Perfect, Tex or LaTeX.