Editorial Office mailing address:

Publishing House ASV
Address: 26, Yaroslavskoe Shosse, 129337 Moscow, Russia
Phone: +7 (925) 084-74-24
Fax: +7 (925) 084-74-24
The official Internet site: www.iasv.ru
E-mail: iasv@iasv.ru
Director: Professor Nadezhda S. Nikitina

Any enquiries regarding the operation of the Editorial Office and the publication of papers are to be addressed to

Nadezhda S. Nikitina
Director of Publishing House ASV
(e-mail: iasv@iasv.ru; phone/fax: +7 (925) 082-74-24)

Vladimir N. Sidorov
Editor-in-Chief of International scientific journal "International Journal for Computational Civil and Structural Engineering" (IJCCSE)
(e-mail: sidorov.vladimir@gmail.com)